Missouri Federation of Square & Round Dance Clubs
Caller Picture Directory

Caller Pictures - "A" Through "L" - Click Here

Caller Pictures - "M" Through "Z" - Click Here

To Download Printable Copies of Caller Pictures:

1.  Locate the picture you want to download.
2.  Click
on "Printable Copy of This Picture" to the left of the picture.
3.  Right click on the picture that opens.
4.  Click on "Save Image as" or "Save Picture as".
5.  The picture will be saved in the folder you have designated for saving downloads on your computer.
6.  Since the picture you downloaded was in a new "window", close the picture to return to "Caller Pictures".

If Your Picture is Missing:

1.  Mail or E-Mail Your picture to the Webmaster.

Replace a Picture With A Better Quality Picture:

1.  Mail or E-Mail the picture to the Webmaster.

Quality of Pictures:

These are not high quality pictures, but they should be good enough for printing on flyers.  If the quality is not good enough for your use, you will probably have to contact the caller for a better picture.

Updated 7/29/11